Wed 08 Jan
Sexy 100 hhr specials all day 916*416*9847 - 27
(Sacramento, Roseville, citrus heights, auburn & surr)
Melanie Brooks has a $100 Outcall SPECIAL $60 carr date 24/7 Mon.-Sun. - 24
(Sacramento, all sacramento folsom davis natomas galt)
•° • ° •° • ° •° Must See! Exotic Five Star Korean Vixen Visiting!° • ° •° • ° •°• - 24
(Sacramento, SACRAMENTO safe upscale incall/Outcall)
HOT * Exotic * A S I A N * PLAYMATE * Just What U Need ♥♡♥ - 23
(Sacramento, Outcalls-- South Sacramento)
💛Hottie Alert!!! 💛Sexy Long Legs❤Upscale Milf❤ Incall Avail💦Special till 11am💦 - 37
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
I hear boys like to jump in puddles💦💦🙊 Lets play in the rain☔️ $100 in/outcall special - 24
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento and surrounding cities)
°°(I) -- ( W O N ' T )( S T O P ) ( T I L L )(U)( G E T )( E N O U G H ) °° - 21
(SACRAMENTO Natomas In/Outcalls)
Hi im kamile and im leaining fast .i love a older man that ca. teach me somthing. - 25
(Sacramento, rancho and sac)
(private dwntwnincall/outcall)
😳😱🔥👄✨✨✨✨HIGHLY REVIEWED✔️✔️✔️💯💦😩 STAR TREATMENT ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 323-286-8481 - 20
(Sacramento, Yuba City, Yuba City Surrounding Outcalls)
👑🎀💋Aspenlove back in town BLONDE naughty & Petite blue eyed freak Dbls w/ SIS CRYSTAL! 💦💋👭 - 24
(Sacramento, Sac and ALL surrounding areas)
All American Dream Girl 💜Audry💜 Highly reviewed & requested 💋 - 23
(Sacramento, Roseville rocklin granite bay elk grove)
Outcalls 😍Outcall 😍💄💢❤💢 (( SINFULLY SEXY ))💄💢❤💢 (( TOE CURLING Experience )) 💄💢❤💢 ((💣Bombshell 💣))💄💢❤💢INC - 21 - 21
(Sacramento, Sacramento (surrounding areas))
💚●Petite TREAT 👑 [[ One-Of-A-Kind ]] 💚●🎀 [[ UPSCALE ]] 💚••💅[[ PLAYMATE]] 💋💋1OO% Rεaℓ - 22 - 22
(City of Sacramento, Elkgrove Greenhaven Natomas Roseville, Sacramento)
OutCalls) 💋 Exotic Pretty & Juicy ⭐️⭐️ 100% Real Deal baby 🌹 - 25
(Sacramento, Sacramento & Surroundings)
-----»»»» §uP€® §€X¥ { ₩@¡T¡Ng 4 ¥oUr ©aLL } Bu§t¥ bLoNd€ ««««----- - 34
(Sacramento, Private Incall / Outcall All Over)
Turning Your Dreams Into Reality (Marysville) - 50
(Sacramento, Yuba City, Yuba City Marysville Kinds)
The type of provider you have been looking for ❤❤... Available 24 hours - 29
(Sacramento, Yuba City)
👑👑👑👑 RAINY DAY SPECIALS ! 💓 Puerto Rican Babe , Nice Round Butt . Morning specials - 22
(Sacramento, off 80 Sac incalls & Out)
New Korean hottie in town🍭🍬lookin to play🍭Outcalls an Incalls - 20
(Sacramento, Elk Grove,Lodi,Stockton)
🍦💋New sweet VanillaSnow the vixen ready 4 you🍦💋💦 - 20
(North highlands,Arden arcade,Natomas, Sacramento)
Fun sized LIGHT bright❤️ Pretty eyes!! Sexy petite Playmate 🌺 Private Incall!! - 21
(City of Sacramento, natomas Davis Elk Grove rancho Cordova, Sacramento)
HiGHLY REViEWED ELiTE Sweet & FUN! ❤ ==== GORGEOUS. ===== BLONDE. ==== WAITING for you NOW ❤ - 24
Action!!!📷📷📷/available now 💰💰💰Sexy and Fun for you. 💎💎Out calls Only💎💎 - 21
(Sacramento, Downtown, Roseville, Folsom)
🌟🌟AllNite 150hhr🌹& 250hr🌹💦📞AsK aBouT My SpeCiaL‼️ DON'T MiSs OuT💦💦U miTe ReGret u Didn't Call FasTer🌟 - 23
(City of Sacramento, sac,folsom,elk grove,woodland,roseville, Sacramento)
60 SPECIAL★ ▬▬▬▬★ UPSCALE ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ UNRUSHED ★▬▬▬▬ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ SiNFULLY SWEET ▬▬▬▬★ - 20
(Natomas, Arden area)
💕$9O HHF🌷NEw in Town🍑VEry Sexy MiXed💞Playful Friendly fetish Freak 💋😘 - 22
(Elk grove , Rocklin, Notomas , Roseville, Roseville, Sacramento)
A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y A▓ M▓ A▓ Z ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G - ★$60★ $pecials ✔Certified - 20
(Sacramento, south sac incalls & outcalls all over)
JaZzY SaSsY & ClaSsy ReAl GiRl To HaVe ThA TiMe Of YoUr LiFe WiTh VeRy PlAyFuL - 22
Your Ideal Bombshell 100% Reall OUTCALLS - 22
(City of Sacramento, Sac and surrounding areas, Sacramento)
XxXclusive, XxXotic, XxXtacy, w/ Milliya Velour ~ OUTCALLS ONLY!! - 19
(Sacramento, Roseville, Auburn, Rocklin)
Ventura Top Model !! 💅 . Petite Gf Playmate Real Pics💋 **(INCALLS ONLY) Hott Petite Blonde - 20
(City of Sacramento, Madison and 80, Sacramento)
(( 6Oqv/8Ohh ) 👀5'Oft 1OOlb Chaparra! 👅 --> 1OO$/45mins 💘 R3AL G1RL! 😘 DONT MISS! (( AvAil NoW )) - 20
(Arden INCALL! 😘 Si Hablo Espanol, City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
🎎 100% Real Filipino Incalls&Outcalls; 👅 Promiscuous 👅 Pettit 👄Moaner & Screamer👄 - 19
(Sacramento, Sacramento & Surrounding areas)
..😍!!!Fullonhot!!!🤓 White&Spanish; encounter.~Your welcome babe(; - 22
(City of Sacramento, North sacramento and surrounding areas, Sacramento)
👑 Delicious Blonde 😍😍 & Sexy Girlfriend ✌️👯 O U T C A L L S 🚙💨💨 - 23
(Sacramento, Rancho,Folsom,EDH,GraniteBay)
💢❤ [ 100% REAL ] 💢❤ I'am Baack Tiny Panamanian mix FREAK👅💦 - 21
(Sacramento, Rancho Cordova incall, outcall everywher)
@~{5*STaR TReaTMeNT ULTiMaTE PLeaSuRe ProViDeR HigHLy ReViewED!! 360*843*8004 LoLa BuGaTTi*}~@@ - 24
(Sacramento, 360*843*8004 Sacramento incall NO TXT)
%^%^%^ YOUNG ^%^%^ SEXY %^%^%^%^ RED ^%^%^ HEAD %^%^%^%^ HOT %^%^%^ SPECIAL ^%^%^%^^% - 21
Evening ❤ Carmel skin❤ Mixed breed 💋 HWY 50 Rancho Cordj Incall Specials - 21
(Sacramento, South Sacramento Hwy 99 Exit)
60 SPECiALS! Beautiful MiXed BOMBshell.. Sexy w/ Amazing Skills! - 21
(Sacramento, Sacramento/ Roseville/ Citrus Heights/Ar)
💋KinkyBlonde & SexyGirlfriend 💕💕 APPTS Now ☎️ P R I V A T E👸 two GiRlS - 23
(Sacramento, SAC, Rancho , Carmichael, Folsom, Arden)
Sexy & Petite Latina treat 💞🔥💣 Hot VIDEO INSIDE! - 21
(Citrus Hieghts | sunrise mall, Folsom / Citrus Heights, Sacramento)
~Sexy Exotic ~ Busty ~~ Latina Kali ~ outcall. incall - 24
(Sacramento, galt Sac elk grove folsom roseville)
✨💤🌟Late Nights / Early Mornings 🌟⛅️💥 Make it Memorable with a 5⭐️Experience 24/7 call me now💥💋✨ - 21
(Sacramento, Sacramento Incall off Arden Way)
Tue 07 Jan
♥♥♥EXOTIC Asian/Spaniard mixed♥♥♥ready to please you - 22
(Sacramento, Arden, natomas, Roseville (incall))
Lets do it like the pornstars do40Dcups 👅pull my long hair💆Take my Stockings off Baby🍌 - 24
(Sacramento, Sacramento by Arden)
Only in town tonight and early AM $100 hhr now! - 21
(Sacramento, Sacramento off west EL CAMINO exit)