Sun 05 Jan
*U* can't *handled*me* Even*if*I*, Came*with* instruction* - 26
(Sacramento, Aubrun & srounding areas)
👠💋NO NEED TO K33P LOOKING GUYS😘😘 ANGEL👸🏼 is aLLL YOU N33D🍆👅💦💦CaLL me AsaP babe💋💋💋💋💋 - 24
(City of Sacramento, Roseville Folsom Davis woodland elk grov, Sacramento)
💋I'm ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On ☆ My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior【🌟 💕💋✨ █▬█✪▀█▀ ◤ 5•§T★ℛ ◢ ℳ@G¡¢αll¥ §K¡L - 20
(Sacramento, Natomas, Downtown, West Sac)
SUPER HOT!❤ GIRL NEXT DOOR "IntownToday Only" Sweet Specials!!! - 20
(Sacramento, Sacramento Incalls-Outcalls)
* Pic 100% Sexy Petite Ebony Princess** (916)612-7082 incall/outcall - 22
(Sacramento, Elk Grove/So.Sacramento/Arden area)
out call hr 100$ sp call now!!!!!! 😘😍 - 28
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, sacramento/surrounding areas)
[NEW]Hot& Exotic Doll Face inTown~Late Night Satisfaction~ - 19
(Sacramento, SACRAMENTO, Hwy i80 exit Elkorn)
OUTCALLS ONLY!!👑 Blonde Goddess🌌 125 lbs of Pure Sexy 💋⚠️ CAUTION!!⚠️ Extremely ADDICTIVE !🍸🍹🍷 - 25
(City of Sacramento, Outcall Only, Sacramento)
💖💖💖New Sensual Provider 👑PRIVATE LOCATION👑 🍬🍭 TREAT yourself to the ULTIMATE SeNsuAL EXPERIENCE 💖💖💖 - 24
💋💋BuStY(๏ 人 ๏ )💦(sᎬxᎽ FLamE)🔥(100% REALPICS)🔥💋💋BuStY(๏ 人 ๏)💦(sᎬxᎽ FLamE)🔥(100% REALPICS) - 27
(City of Sacramento, HiGhway 99 @ Florin Rd., Sacramento)
★ ❶ ★ DaDDiE CoMe PuNiSH Me 7. 5H. hr ★ ❶ ★ BuSTy BLonDe - 19
👑💕Carmal Honey Delight💕💋NEW PICS INSIDE!!! - 24
(City of Sacramento, Incall only(North Sacramento)., Sacramento)
✨ 6O SPECiAL 🌟 BiG jUICy %100 rEaL BOOBS 🙉👅 cLAssY 💃 CuRVy 👍👌 +4O DD's 🙋 SEXY 👑 ThE bEst - 21
(Sacramento, Highway 5O incall)
510 203 9543 ★★★ Taiwan Girl 34D Here ★★ Full Girl Friend Package Special ★★ Kissing Ok ★ Roseville - 24
(Roseville, Sacramento, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Roseville Area)
♡ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ 1OO S P E C I A L S ! __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __♡ - 22
(Sacramento, Natomas Elk Grove Marysville Yuba Auburn)
💙↗️↗️↗️💙 OUTCALLS 💙 OUTCALLS💙↖️↖️↖️💙 LOOK No FuRThER 👀👀💦💦 📞📞BeAUTiFuL BruNeTTe ReADY 4 U NoW 📞📞 - 22
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
×°×` •.100% EXOTIC [K][O][R][ E][A][N] Sensual Seduction - #1 Asian Provider•´ ×°× - 23
(Sacramento, Sacramento & ALL Surr (INCALL/OUTCALL))
Sat 04 Jan
REAL TITs and STICK$100 4dayload can you handle it sit back and drain me Im yours CLEAN+REAL - 19
(FLORIN RD alone ready to play, Sacramento)
Available 😋 Available 😋 Available 😋 Available 😋 - 20
(Rancho Cordova, RanchoCarmichaelCitusHeightsFolsom, Sacramento)
Shhh Blonde💞 Sexy💞 Tempting💞 Naughty💞 Clean Discret Sexy TG❤️ First Timers welcome NORTH SACRAMENTO 🎀 - 34
(NORTH Sac 💝 Clean💝 Safe 💝Discrete locati, Sacramento)
.☆ °P° __ °L° __ °A° __ °Y° ____°T° __°I° __ °M° __ °E__ T special - 20
(Sacramento,Downtown (Incalls=special))
°o ♥ o° ((( ♥ S= E= X= Y= ♥ =H=0=T=T=Y= ♥ ))) °o ♥ o° - 21
(Sacramento, Downtown Sacramento and Surrounding's)
Full Body, Toe Curling, All Over Body Quivers ..... SPECIALS!!! - 35
(Sacramento, Sacramento, Arden)
💦❤️❤️ all your fantasies fulfilled ❤️💦💦💦 - 28
(Rancho Cordova, Roseville, yuba,auburn, grassvalley, Sacramento)
💋💋▐▐ ❤ ▃▃▃▃▃❤SEXY❤▐▐▐❤ Y O U R S ❤▃▃▃▃▃▃ ❤ T R U L Y ❤ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▐▐▐❤ INDEPENDENT❤▐▐💋💋 - 22
(Sacramento, |Highway 5|Hillcrest|Mission Hills)
☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥Upscαℓε💎 �🌹Juicy Treat - 23
(Sacramento, South Sacramento, Surrounding areas)
*::* Sinfully :* Seductive :* Starr Fire :* Highly Reviewed *::* - 25
(City of Sacramento, Downtown/ Richards Blvd off I-5, Sacramento)
NEW 🆕🆕🆕**120/160/250** SEXY LEXI bombshell 🌴💕🌴💕 - 20
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento/South sac)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... MODEL IN TOWN ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... TALL BLONDE CALI ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... TALL BARBIE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... - - 23
Mature, Sexy, Talented and Fun ! 125. 75. - 50
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento and suroundiing area)
(downtownsac/incall outcall)
💋💞 BLONDE GoRgEOUs PriNCeSs 💕💋 ExOtic☆JuiCY 🍬🍭[[BoOty]]☆🍦•SWeEt & NaUghTy•🔥 ALL YoU NeEd!!! - 21
💋( ( AvAiLaBLe NoW ) )💕O U T C A L L S💎O N L Y💕( ( SaCRaMeNTo & SuRRouNdiNg ArEa ) )💋 - 38
(City of Sacramento, SaC n SuRRoUNdiNg ArEaS, Sacramento)
Back and Better 😍 Intown again 😊 Sexy 😜 & Wild 💦 60$ hhr specials to 1pm - 20
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
[X♥X] INsANE CuRvEs A CRET!F!ED BaD GiRl {FrEaKy& kiNkY} SuPeR BUsTy EXtReMe SkiLLs - 24
(Sacramento, Sacramento in/Outcalls)
Sexy Sensual & Skilled. A True Gentlemans choice(2 girls avail.) - 22
(Sacramento, Sacramento,Davis,Rocklin,Folsom,)